Tuesday 16 June 2009

Change, good or bad?

So it takes people time to adjust to a changed enviroment, the time taken to adjust may be longer or shorter depending on the persons emotional, physical and mental state and it has been known for some people to spend a whole life time trying to adjust to the change.
Change is often feared as it is assosiated in most people with humiliation and awkwardness, I'm going to be interviewing around twelve people over the next few weeks over why they are or arn't afraid or affected by change.
The basis of this whole project being I will discover why people feel strange when their lives are disrupted by change.
The questions I plan to ask are as follows:
1: Have you ever had aspects of your life change?
2: If yes how did this affect you and what was the change?
3: If you were told you had to change one thing about your life, what would it be and why?
4: Would it frighten you if things in your life changed without warning?
5: What was your worst encounter with change?
The results of these questions will be published as I go through twelve people, it will be a weekly blog and will happen every Tuesday or Wednesday.

Crazy times and yet we're tempted to do it all again and worse?

So recently there have been alot of different parties and fun activities to distract all us teens from life.

As we're growing up we're bound by some form of inticing spell to the special and alluring creature that is alcohol.

There are alot of things people say make them feel ashamed of teens in general and I say why are they throwing all of us into the same barrel?

Recent developments in law have said they are to crack down on teen drinking and damage to people and property by drunken teens, however not all teens are like this.

Most teens I know drink responsibly and they drink to have a laugh. You may say why do you need to drink to have fun, however drinking in a responsible way is very good for building your social connections.

People may argue that when teens drink they indanger theirselves and others around them, that they could fall prey to rapists and peadophiles and murderers. I argue that this is not the case in controlled drinking enviroments.

Times have changed and teens are now more aware of the risks and dangers of drinking and drinking irresponsibly, many teens are drinking socially and extending their friend networks. A drink or two here and there will not damage teens, as the liver is the only organ in the body that can regenerate cells. I say permitt responsibly drinking in older teens.

Teens above 16 should be allowed alcohol responsibly, its just the way it should be. Protection is key in this argument, protect your teen children and let them drink responsibly so that it teaches them for adult life. Teens who drink are alot less likely to drink irresponsibly when they reach adult life than teens who never got a taste of what it was like to socialise under the influence.

Don't judge me because we've all been young, wouldn't you like your children to learn from their expirences?